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dingfeng 2014-05-26 10:48

   您想一小时内学会打乒乓球吗? 而且在一周之内便做出像跟乒乓专业球手同样的专业优美的打球动作吗?我们可以帮你达到一般人认为不可做到的事情。乒乓球看似容易,但基本方法不对的话,会很大的影响到今后的水平提高,不单打比赛难以取得成绩,而且既浪费时间也浪费金钱。
   我们的专业教练LU YI是原上海市女子冠军,现役安省乒乓球队主力选手,安省竞标赛单打前三名,加拿大全国竞标赛单打前8名,全国女子双打亚军。除了可以传授大量的实战经验和最新的乒乓球技术指导之外,还可以帮助您制定系统完善的训练计划。提供两名专业教练同时指导,从腿到手的动作都不放过任何一个小小的错误,让您在起步的时候就已经领先其他的选手。除了传统的人盯人教学方式,我们还借助高科技的视像手段帮助您准确而仔细的分析到每个动作和手势,让您在学习乒乓球的过程中少走弯路。


小组训练 (专业的乒乓球训练馆),保证每个学生可以得到完善准确的指导。

一对一训练 ( 小朋友 / 成人)
一对二训练 ( 小朋友 / 成人)
可以上门训练 (小朋友 / 成人)

联系方法:416.985.1701   eamil. info@crestpingpong.com   网站:http://www.crestpingpong.com

Why we play ping pong? Ping Pong is good for your health-it’s great for getting up a sweat and getting the heart rate up. It’s easy on the body, you can play ping-pong according to your own capabilities and limitations, and still be competitive. There is no age and gender barriers.

Do you want to learn ping-pong within one hour? And do you want to play like the professional ping-pong player within one week? We can help to achieve the dream that people can not do. Table tennis may seem easy, but you may not get improvement without the professional coaching.

Our professional coach Yi Lu is a former provincial woman’s champion in table tennis. She is current top player in Ontario Table Tennis team, the top 8 players in Canada, the women’s double runner up in Canada Table Tennis championship. In addition to teach a lot of actual combat experience and the latest technical skills, she also can help you to develop a systematic training plan for you. Provide 2 professional coaches to teach you from the hand / leg movements are not let any one small error. In addition to the traditional teaching method, we also use high-tech to analysis every step and movement, to avoid the errors.

Our teach methods are flexible, can meet you different time needs. You can see two on-site professional coach demo and get a lot of useful advice during the first free class.

Group Training: max 6 players
1 vs 1: (adults & kids)
1 vs 2: (adults & kids)
In-door training

dingfeng 2014-07-20 04:14

nkeung 2014-08-26 19:44

浪客剑心 2014-08-28 10:52

dingfeng 2014-09-02 08:37



1)  培养小朋友的自信心------当小孩子发现自己有其它小朋友没有的一种“技能”,他的自信心会提高。

2)培养开朗的性格------ 由于在学乒乓球中经常与更多小朋友和大人接触,让小孩子慢慢提高如何与陌生人相处和在公共场所讲话的能力,从而培养出开朗的性格。

3)培养专注力---- 由于乒乓球的速度比较快,需要很集中才能打好每一个球,所以,在学习乒乓球中可以培养小朋友的专注力,同时让他们在文化课学习上也能够集中精神学习。

4)培养意志力---- 在乒乓球比赛中是需要自己去面对比分落后情况下任何挫折和自己想办法去克服场上碰到的问题,然后顽强地把比分追上去。这对于小朋友独立思考和判断,还有积极解决问题的能力有很大帮助。

5)自律能力--- 在学习乒乓球中小朋友接受教练的严格要求去训练,慢慢让他们养成自律。

如有什么关于小朋友学习乒乓球的问题,可以随时在这里发布,或者发email给我们: info@crestpingpong.com

dingfeng 2014-09-09 06:53
New training session in Scarborough

After summer holiday, all students back to school. We started weekend training lessons in scarborough. Since there are more students would like to join the pingpong training, we are planning to open more training sessions to meet their demands.Trainings sessions are suitable for begninner and intermediate level students. Welcome everyone to drop in the class. A flexible and customerized lesson plan will be suit each individual learning preference.




kelvin 2014-09-18 12:50

风筝 2014-09-18 22:05
家的小孩开学了,想周末给他学点东西。乒乓球挺好的,Richmond Hill 有班吗? 请发一些资料给我。谢谢。。  luengrowina88@gmail.com

greengreen 2014-09-19 10:51
很赞同楼上说的,小时候练过乒乓,现在感觉在工作的时候都会比别人反应快,适应环境的能力也强。和周围的同事老板沟通也没有问题,虽然我的英文也不是很好。 [s:14]


dingfeng 2014-09-19 10:54
引用第6楼kelvin于2014-09-18 12:50发表的  :

可以的,我们现在在scarborough / richmond hill都有开设训练班的。

dingfeng 2014-09-19 10:55
引用第7楼风筝于2014-09-18 22:05发表的  :
家的小孩开学了,想周末给他学点东西。乒乓球挺好的,Richmond Hill 有班吗? 请发一些资料给我。谢谢。。  luengrowina88@gmail.com


dingfeng 2015-01-18 21:08
Richmond Hill 训练班第一期学生进步非常快,8堂课已经可以跟教练对打50个球。他们都是从一点都不会开始学习打球。第二班已准备开课,现还有几个名额,如有兴趣加入乒乓球训练班的小朋友,请尽快报名。 info@crestpingpong.com  Tel.416.985.1701  陆教练

dingfeng 2015-01-18 21:11
Scarborough 第三班也现开始招生,如有兴趣加入训练班的小朋友,请尽快报名。 info@crestpingpong.com  Tel.416.985.1701  陆教练

holiday 2015-02-09 01:07

dingfeng 2015-02-09 23:14

frankzhu0503 2015-09-10 22:00

greengreen 2015-09-11 10:48

sppk 2015-09-22 00:41

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